Fall has long been my favorite season. Fall is a time of great change in nature the less structured days of summer have passed, and we look forward to a new season. I love the varied color of the fall leaves, blue skies, and the cooler autumn air. There is a sense of excitement for the change and perhaps the opportunity for new growth. Fall is also a time for new obligations: the beginning of school for the kids, a renewed commitment to church attendance and Sunday school, sports schedules, the coming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and so much more.
As much as we love doing all of it, these new commitments can leave us feeling stressed out and tired and maybe even overwhelmed. Perhaps we can find inspiration from Paul in his message to Galatians as he reminds us we are challenged to do good and not feel weary:
"And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." ~ Galatians 6:9
At times it may feel as if no one sees or appreciates the good work we are doing, but GOD sees the effort, and he does not want us to give up! We are reminded that the seeds we sow to- day will determine what we reap in the future. GOD is on our side … just as GOD creates the beauty of the fall leaves; He also wants to create beauty in our lives. GOD knows we are only human, and when we become discouraged, He wants to encourage us to continue in our work, and not grow weary in doing good. When we do, He promises we will reap the reward of a life well-lived. During this time of great change in nature, I offer to you a reminder to take the time to rest but forge forward in our work together, to not grow weary, and to revel in the beauty GOD has put in your life today.
This post was orignally published in the October 2022 of the Lighted Cross. Please use the links below to view the full newsletter.
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