Finding Your Purpose in the Darkness

Finding Your Purpose in the Darkness

Pastor Kevin Rutledge

Have you ever found yourself asking the question, "Why am I here?" It's a question that can arise during times of uncertainty, when we're faced with difficult decisions or struggling to find our way forward. In those moments, it can feel like we're stumbling around in the dark, grasping for answers that seem just out of reach.

But what if we told you that God meets us in that darkness? That He welcomes our questions, our doubts, and our fears, and is ready to guide us towards a new understanding of our purpose?

The story of Nicodemus in the Gospel of John illustrates this beautifully. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, came to Jesus under the cover of night, seeking answers to the questions that weighed on his heart. He was searching for truth, but was limited by his own understanding of what was possible.

Jesus met Nicodemus where he was, in the darkness of his doubts and questions. He didn't turn him away or demand that he come back when he had it all figured out. Instead, He engaged with Nicodemus, challenging his assumptions and inviting him to see things in a new light.

And that's exactly what God does for us when we come to Him with our own questions and uncertainties. He meets us in the darkness, ready to guide us towards a new understanding of our purpose and our place in the world.

So often, we approach God with a fixed idea of what is possible and what isn't. We think we know exactly how things are supposed to be, and we expect God to work within those limitations. But just as Jesus challenged Nicodemus to expand his understanding, God invites us to let go of our preconceived notions and open ourselves up to new possibilities.

Through prayer and conversation with God, we can begin to see our lives and our purpose in a new light. We can start to understand that our gifts, our talents, and even our challenges and struggles can all be used for God's glory, if we're willing to trust in Him and follow where He leads.

It's not always easy to take that step of faith, to let go of what we think we know and trust in God's plan for our lives. Fear, anxiety, and doubt can hold us back, keeping us stuck in the darkness of uncertainty.

But the good news is that the darkness won't last forever. As we continue to seek God's guidance and open ourselves up to His leading, a new dawn begins to break. We start to see glimmers of hope and purpose, even in the midst of our struggles and challenges.

And as we step out in faith, following the path that God has set before us, we begin to experience the fullness of life that He promises. We discover that our lives have meaning and value, and that we each have a unique role to play in His grand design.

So if you find yourself asking the question, "Why am I here?" know that you're not alone. Know that God is ready to meet you in the darkness of your doubts and fears, and guide you towards a new understanding of your purpose.

Take the time to pray, to listen for God's voice, and to seek the guidance of others who can help you discern His will for your life. And trust that as you step out in faith, God will be with you every step of the way, leading you towards the light of a new dawn and a renewed sense of purpose.

Remember, no matter where you are in life, no matter what challenges you're facing, God can use you. He has a purpose for you, and He's ready to reveal it to you, if you're willing to seek Him in the darkness and trust in His guiding light.

So don't be afraid to ask the big questions, to grapple with your doubts and fears, and to step out in faith. You never know where God might lead you, or what amazing things He might have in store for your life. All you need is a willingness to trust in Him, and to follow where He leads.

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