Stewardship For the Global Community

Stewardship For the Global Community

Steve Cherry

Paul Maina, an Oxford colleague of Janelle Larson, is in the states on break from his work as director of the Children & Youth Empowerment Center [CYEC] in Kenya. He spoke to the Every Topic Considered [ETC} Class on November 20th. You’ll recall that Berwyn UMC has partnered with him in support of this durable, successful project operating under extremely challenging conditions. Children and youth, many of whom were homeless and orphaned, are comprehensively supported giving them the best shot at whole and full life. Paul is articulate about the importance of helping young persons develop, in the Global Community in which we participate and are a part. We get to take part in God’s work while seeing the fruits of those labors bloom into success. [see emails: Giving Tuesday & Online Auction for Zawadi Fund International (ZFI), write to or see website

For Berwyn UMC to be a force in the global community your participation in the church community is essential. Over the next several weeks you’ll receive some special requests: 

  • One is to make a plan for giving to BUMC for 2023 and respond by US mail or email. This helps us prepare for the various ministries and missions to which we’re called.  You can return your commitment to the church office on or before worship on December 11th.  You can also complete the form online at
  • The other is to consider a ‘2nd mile,’ end-of-year gift as part of your 2022 tax year charitable planning. This will help us address a spending deficit for the year. You can give in person on Sunday Morning, mail your gift to the church, or give online.  Learn about all of thew says to support the mission and ministry of the church at

Paul Maina is one who inspires us to see ourselves as part of a world community, aware of those for whom Jesus cared beyond our local community. Thanks for your being a part of the Berwyn UMC witness and participating in the global community.


This post was orignally published in the December 2022 of the Lighted Cross. Please use the links below to view the full newsletter.

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