The Sacred Table: Communion, Community, and Christ's Presence

The Sacred Table: Communion, Community, and Christ's Presence

Pastor Kevin Rutledge

In the Christian tradition, few practices hold as much significance as the act of communion. This sacred meal, instituted by Jesus himself, carries profound meaning that extends far beyond the simple act of eating bread and drinking wine (or juice). It's a practice that invites us to remember, to gather, and to experience the presence of Christ in a tangible way.

The importance of communion cannot be overstated. Early church leaders, like John Wesley, emphasized the need for frequent participation in this holy meal. Wesley went so far as to encourage his followers to partake in communion every time they gathered, viewing it as an essential act of obedience to Christ's command: "Do this in remembrance of me."

But why is communion so crucial to our faith journey? Let's explore some of the reasons:

  1. Obedience to Christ's Command

At its most basic level, participating in communion is an act of obedience. Jesus explicitly instructed his disciples to continue this practice in remembrance of him. By gathering around the communion table, we're saying, "Jesus, you've told me to do this, and I want to follow your commands."

  1. A Means of Grace

In Methodist tradition, communion is considered a "means of grace" - a tool God has given us to help our relationship with Him flourish. Just as a plant needs water and sunlight to grow, our spiritual lives need nourishment. Communion, along with prayer, scripture reading, and worship, provides that spiritual sustenance.

  1. A Powerful Reminder

The communion liturgy serves as a potent reminder of God's actions throughout history. It recalls God's deliverance of His people, Jesus' last supper with his disciples, and Christ's sacrifice on the cross. It also reminds us of our own frailty and need for grace, as we remember that even Jesus' closest followers betrayed and abandoned him.

  1. A Foretaste of Heaven

When we participate in communion, we get a glimpse of the heavenly banquet that awaits us. Jesus spoke of drinking wine anew in his Father's kingdom, and communion gives us a foretaste of that glorious future.

  1. Experiencing Christ's Presence

Through the mystery of communion, we expect to experience Christ's presence in a unique way. While we may not believe the elements physically change, we anticipate encountering Jesus in the breaking of bread and sharing of the cup.

  1. A Call to Inclusivity

The communion table serves as a powerful metaphor for inclusivity in the Christian community. Just as we notice empty chairs at our family dinner tables, we should be aware of who's missing from our communion gatherings. Who hasn't been invited? Who feels unworthy to attend?

It's crucial to remember that Christ's invitation to the table is open to all who seek Him. The only condition is a desire to follow Jesus and experience His presence. Too often, people hold themselves back, feeling unworthy. But if we wait until we're "ready" or "worthy," we'll never come at all.

  1. A Model for Our Daily Lives

The practice of communion isn't meant to be confined to church walls. It should shape how we live our lives outside of formal worship settings. Here are a few ways we can embody the spirit of communion in our daily lives:

  • Invite others to our tables: Just as Christ invites us to His table, we can extend hospitality to others. Who can we welcome into our homes and lives?

  • Notice who's missing: In our social circles, workplaces, and communities, who's not represented? How can we reach out to those who are different from us?

  • Create inclusive spaces: Our gatherings should reflect the diversity of God's kingdom. Are we making efforts to connect with people of different backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences?

  • Share what we have: Communion is about breaking bread together. How can we share our resources, time, and love with others?

  • Remember and look forward: As we go about our days, we can practice remembering God's faithfulness in the past while looking forward to His promises for the future.

The power of communion lies not in the physical elements themselves, but in the act of sharing, remembering, and experiencing God's love together. When we break bread with others, we create space for Christ's transformative presence.

It's worth noting that Jesus shared His last meal with those who would soon betray and abandon Him. This serves as a powerful reminder that God's love and invitation extend even to those we might consider unworthy - including ourselves when we feel we've fallen short.

As we reflect on the meaning of communion, let's challenge ourselves to live out its principles daily. How can we create "communion moments" in our regular interactions? How can we make our dinner tables, coffee dates, and casual encounters reflections of Christ's inclusive love?

Remember, every time we share a meal, we have the opportunity to experience a taste of that heavenly banquet. We can invite Christ's presence into our midst, offer hospitality to others, and bridge divides that keep us separated.

In a world often marked by division and exclusion, the practice of communion offers a radical alternative. It reminds us that we're all welcome at God's table, that Christ's love knows no bounds, and that true transformation happens when we gather together in His name.

So, the next time you participate in communion - whether in a formal church setting or simply sharing a meal with others - pause to consider its deeper meaning. Allow yourself to be transformed by the experience, and carry that transformative power into your daily life. For in doing so, we truly become the body of Christ, broken and shared for the world.

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