Troop 181 November 2022 Update

Troop 181 November 2022 Update

Scouts BSA Troop 181 held its annual recruiting campout at BUMC on October 8-9. The weather was chilly but clear and Scouts and guests enjoyed archery, a barbecue, and tent camping on the grass. All had a great time and appreciated BUMC’s wonderful grounds and gracious church hosts. The Scouts were also glad to practice “A Scout is Helpful” earlier that week by assisting with setup for the church’s Fall Fest sale.

At the weekly meetings this month the Scouts are checking over their camping supplies, practicing first aid, and preparing for a visit to Hawk Mountain Scout Reservation.

If you have boys ages 11-17 who are interested in Scouts, please visit us in Schieck Hall the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm or email


This post was orignally published in the November 2022 of the Lighted Cross. Please use the links below to view the full newsletter.

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