Loving God And Neighbor

Pastor Kevin Rutledge - 3/10/2024 10:00 AM

Discover the transformative power of love at the heart of Christian faith as we delve into Jesus' greatest commandment. Our latest episode unpacks the divine intricacy of loving God with everything we are and loving our neighbor as ourselves. This isn't just about knowing the words; it's about living them out in a balance of personal devotion and social action. Too often, we find ourselves skewed towards one extreme, but here, I'll guide you through the biblical call for a faith that is fully connected, where worship and justice meet in a beautiful symphony.

As we navigate the practicalities of this journey, our conversation shifts towards the challenge of cultivating a spiritual life that engages our intellect, stirs our emotions, and readies our hands for service.


  • First Reading: Psalm 89:1-4
  • Second Reading: Mark 12:28-44
View Order of Worship View Message Transcript View Small Group Discussion Guide

This Week's Reading Plan

Day: Reading:
Monday Wars and Rumors of Wars: Mark 13:1-8
Tuesday Standing Before Governors and Kings: Mark 13:9-13
Wednesday Hard Times to Come: Mark 13:14-20
Thursday A Desolating Sacrilege : Daniel 11:29-35
Friday False Messiahs : Mark 13:21-23
Saturday The Son of Man Has Dominion: Daniel 7:9-14
Sunday The Son of Man Comes: Mark 13:24-27

Each podcast episode features portions of our worship service and a deep dive conversation about its themes.

Reflections and Caring Conversations

Please use the prompts and prayers below to aid you in your devotions for this week.

  • Day 1: The Heart of the Commandment

    Reading: Mark 12:28-31

    Devotional: Today, we begin our journey by reflecting on the heart of Jesus' teachings—the greatest commandments. As you read Mark 12:28-31, consider how Jesus responds to the question about the greatest commandment. His answer is twofold, yet intrinsically connected: love for God and love for neighbor. Ponder the depth of these commands and what it means to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.

    Reflection Questions:

    • What does loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength look like in your daily life?
    • How can you show love to your neighbors in practical ways this week?

    Prayer Focus: Ask God to deepen your understanding of these commandments and to help you live them out with sincerity and commitment.

  • Day 2: Worship and Devotion

    Reading: Deuteronomy 6:4-9

    Devotional: The call to love God is not just an emotion; it is a call to wholehearted devotion that permeates every aspect of our lives. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 encourages us to keep God's words close to us, to speak of them at home and on the road, when we lie down and when we get up. Reflect on how your devotion to God shapes your daily routines, your conversations, and your thoughts.

    Reflection Questions:

    • In what ways can you incorporate the remembrance of God's commandments throughout your day?
    • How does your worship reflect your love for God beyond the walls of a church building?

    Prayer Focus: Pray for the discipline to integrate God's commandments into every part of your life and for the grace to worship Him in spirit and truth.

  • Day 3: Love in Action

    Reading: James 2:14-17

    Devotional: Faith without works is dead. James challenges us to live out our faith through actions that demonstrate our love for others. True faith is evidenced by our willingness to step into the needs of those around us. As you read James 2:14-17, consider the ways in which your faith has moved you to action. Reflect on the balance between your personal devotion and the practical love you show to others.

    Reflection Questions:

    • Can you think of a time when your faith prompted you to take action to help someone in need?
    • What opportunities are in front of you to put your faith into action this week?

    Prayer Focus: Pray for the courage and compassion to act on your faith by serving those in need and showing God's love through your actions.

  • Day 4: Community and Prayer

    Reading: Acts 2:42-47

    Devotional: The early church in Acts gives us a beautiful picture of community life, centered around teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. Today, reflect on the role of community in your spiritual life. How does gathering with fellow believers strengthen your faith? How can you contribute to the prayer life of your community?

    Reflection Questions:

    • How can you more actively participate in the life and prayer of your faith community?
    • What can you do to encourage and support someone in your community this week?

    Prayer Focus: Ask God to show you how to engage more deeply in the life of your church community, particularly through shared prayer and support.

  • Day 5: Uniting Head, Heart, and Hands

    Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

    Devotional: The body of Christ is made up of many parts, each with different functions, yet all are necessary and united by the Spirit. As we close this week's reflection, consider how you are using your unique gifts to serve God and others. Think about the balance of head, heart, and hands in your faith practice. Are you engaging your mind through study, your heart through worship, and your hands through service?

    Reflection Questions:

    • Which aspect of your faith (head, heart, or hands) do you feel needs more attention? How can you cultivate that area?
    • How can you use your unique gifts to serve your church and community this week?

    Prayer Focus: Pray for the wisdom and guidance to balance the intellectual, emotional, and active expressions of your faith, using all that you are to glorify God and love others.
