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Pastor Kevin Rutledge - 9/8/2024 10:00 AM

Why do we come to worship? This profound question challenges us to reflect on the true nature of our faith. We're reminded that God cannot be contained within any physical structure, yet we still gather in churches. This paradox invites us to reconsider our understanding of worship. It's not just about an hour on Sunday; it's about how we live our lives every moment. The story of David and the temple serves as a powerful metaphor, showing us that while God is everywhere, coming together shapes us in unique ways. We're called to see worship as a transformative experience that equips us to live differently in the world. As we gather with diverse individuals, offer our gifts, engage with Scripture, and lift our prayers, we're being molded into the image of Christ. This collective experience prepares us to be a blessing to others, echoing God's promise to Abraham. Let's embrace worship not as a duty, but as a life-changing encounter that empowers us to live out our faith boldly and lovingly in the world.


  • First Reading: 1 Kings 8:22-30
  • Second Reading: John 6:56-69
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