The Transfiguration

Pastor Kevin Rutledge - 2/19/2023 10:00 AM

In this message, Pastor Kevin looks at the mountaintop experience that the Disciples had with Jesus, Moses, and Elijah.  The disciples wanted to stay on the mountain so much that Peter offered to build 3 houses, on for each of the three religious figures there.

How many of us have experiened those mountain top faith moments and wanted to stay there, to bottle it up, to never let them end.  But even as the disciples heard the voice of God himself, Jesus taps them on the shoulder and tells them it is time to return to the work ahead of them. We too must go about our part of God's Kingdom building work leaning on those mountain top experiences when things get difficult and our own faith shakes. 


  • First Reading: Psalm 41:7-10
  • Second Reading: Matthew 16:24-17:8

This Week's Reading Plan

Day: Reading:
Monday Elijah Has Come: Matthew 17:9-13
Tuesday A Boy is Healed: Matthew 17:14-21
Wednesday The Greatest in the Kingdom: Matthew 18:1-9
Thursday Caring for the Little Ones: Matthew 18:10-14
Friday Words and Deeds: Matthew 12:22-37
Saturday Asking for a Sign: Matthew 12:38-42
Sunday The Unforgiving Servant: Matthew 18:15-35

Reflections and Caring Conversations

Please use the prompts and prayers below to aid you in your devotions for this week.

  • Scripture Verse of the Week: But Jesus came and touched them, saying: "Get up and do not be afraid." ~ Matthew 17:7
  • Mealtime Prayer: Lord, at this table, bless us with your grace. At this table, bless us with food to eat and water to drink. At this table, bless us with your presence. Amen.
  • Thinking About This Week: We are called to follow Jesus and to listen to him. What is the hardest part in following Jesus today? How can we listen to him better?
  • Thinking About Next Week: Did someone ask you for forgiveness today? Did you forgive them? Do you need forgiveness from someone?