As we continue our sermon series, "The Ways of the Kingdom," we come to the passage in Matthew 22:1-14, which tells the parable of the wedding feast. In this parable, a king invites guests to his son's wedding feast, but the invited guests refuse to come. The king then sends out his servants to invite anyone they can find, both good and bad, to come to the feast.
This parable reminds us that the Kingdom of God is open to all, regardless of their background, status, or history. God's invitation is for all people, and no one is excluded from the opportunity to enter into a relationship with Him. However, it is also important to note that not all who are invited will accept the invitation.
There is one part of this parable that can sound strange to us. That is the impromptu guest who is kicked out for not being dressed properly. As we explore this parable and what it teaches about how the kingdom of God works, we'll also be sure to look at this guest.