Small Group Guide for "Is the End Near?"

Is the End Near?

Sunday, March 17th 2024

First Scripture: Psalm 102:1-17

Second Scripture: Mark 13:1-8, 24-37

Use the Two Passages: Focus on the primary and secondary passages used in this sermon.

Pray for Understanding: Before diving into the text, take a moment to pray for guidance and illumination from the Holy Spirit. Ask for wisdom and insight as you study.

Read the Scriptures: Begin by reading the selected Scriptures thoughtfully and prayerfully. Read the passages more than once to familiarize yourself with the content.

Observation Questions: After reading the text, go through the "Observation Questions" section. These questions will help you notice and record specific details about the text. Look for key words, phrases, repeated ideas, and any observations that stand out to you.

Interpretation Questions: Once you've observed the text, proceed to the "Interpretation Questions" section. These questions will guide you in understanding the meaning and context of the passage. Consider the historical and cultural background, the author's intent, and how the passage fits into the larger narrative of the Bible.

Application Questions: Finally, explore the "Application Questions." These questions will help you apply the lessons and insights from the Scriptures to your own life. Reflect on how the text speaks to your faith, relationships, and daily choices.

Journal Your Insights: Write down your observations, interpretations, and applications in a journal or notebook. This will serve as a valuable record of your spiritual growth and understanding of the Word of God.

Discussion and Sharing: If you are studying in a group, take time to discuss your findings with others. Share your insights, listen to their perspectives, and learn from one another.

Pray for Transformation: As you conclude your study, pray for the transformation of your heart and mind. Ask God to help you live out the truths you've discovered in the Scriptures.

Consistency is Key: Make a habit of using this inductive Bible study method regularly. The more you practice, the more confident and skilled you will become in studying and understanding the Bible.

Remember that the goal of this inductive study method is not just to gain knowledge but to deepen your relationship with God and apply His Word to your life. Approach your study with an open heart, a curious mind, and a desire to grow in your faith.

May your study be richly blessed, and may God's Word transform your life as you engage with it through the inductive method.

View the Sermon this Guide was Created For

Day 1: Readiness in Uncertain Times Bible Reading:
Matthew 24:36-44

Devotional: As we begin our week-long journey through Scripture, let's reflect on the importance of being spiritually vigilant in the midst of life's uncertainties. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us that no one knows the day or hour of His return, not even the angels or the Son Himself, only the Father. This passage reminds us that our focus should not be on deciphering the exact moment of Christ's return but on living lives that are ready for His coming at any time. Today, consider how you can cultivate a heart of readiness by engaging in daily practices that strengthen your faith and draw you closer to God.

Day 2: The Endurance of Hope Bible Reading:
Romans 5:1-5
Devotional: Hope is a powerful force that can carry us through trials and tribulations. In his letter to the Romans, Paul speaks of the hope that does not disappoint because it is poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. As we navigate through life's challenges, we are called to find strength in the hope of the resurrection and the promise of eternal life. Reflect on how this hope can transform your perspective on the difficulties you face, and how it can inspire you to live with joy and resilience.

Day 3: The Triumph of Life Bible Reading:
1 Corinthians 15:50-58
Devotional: The message of Christ's resurrection is one of life conquering death, of the imperishable taking precedence over the perishable. Today's reading from Paul's first letter to the Corinthians reminds us of the ultimate victory that awaits those who belong to Christ. As you meditate on this passage, think about the areas in your life where you have witnessed the triumph of life over death, whether literally or metaphorically. Ponder how the resurrection can be a source of motivation for you to engage with the world in a meaningful way, seeking to bring life where there is despair.

Day 4: Active Faith Amidst Waiting Bible Reading:
James 2:14-26
Devotional: The Epistle of James offers a compelling argument for the inseparability of faith and works. While we anticipate Christ's return, we are called to live out our faith actively, serving others and embodying the teachings of Jesus. As you contemplate today's scripture, consider how you can put your faith into action. How can your deeds reflect your readiness for the Lord's coming? Reflect on how living out your faith can be a testimony to others and can contribute to the transformation of the world around us.

Day 5: Signs of God's Kingdom Bible Reading:
Mark 4:26-32
Devotional: In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus uses the parables of the growing seed and the mustard seed to illustrate the mysterious and organic growth of God's kingdom. These parables encourage us to trust in the often unseen work of God's hand in our lives and the world. As you read these parables, reflect on how you can nurture the seeds of faith, hope, and love in your life. Think about the 'signs of the kingdom' that you may have overlooked and how you can become more attentive to the ways God is moving in your life and the lives of those around you.

Closing Thoughts: As you conclude this five-day journey, take time to pray and ask God to deepen your understanding of the themes explored throughout the week. Consider how the readiness, hope, life, active faith, and signs of God's kingdom can shape your daily living and your anticipation of Christ's return. May your heart be filled with the eternal hope of the resurrection and a renewed sense of purpose as you await the fulfillment of God's promises. Amen.
