Small Group Guide for "We're on a Mission"

We're on a Mission

Sunday, January 28th 2024

First Scripture: Psalm 122

Second Scripture: Mark 6:7-13,30

Use the Two Passages: Focus on the primary and secondary passages used in this sermon.

Pray for Understanding: Before diving into the text, take a moment to pray for guidance and illumination from the Holy Spirit. Ask for wisdom and insight as you study.

Read the Scriptures: Begin by reading the selected Scriptures thoughtfully and prayerfully. Read the passages more than once to familiarize yourself with the content.

Observation Questions: After reading the text, go through the "Observation Questions" section. These questions will help you notice and record specific details about the text. Look for key words, phrases, repeated ideas, and any observations that stand out to you.

Interpretation Questions: Once you've observed the text, proceed to the "Interpretation Questions" section. These questions will guide you in understanding the meaning and context of the passage. Consider the historical and cultural background, the author's intent, and how the passage fits into the larger narrative of the Bible.

Application Questions: Finally, explore the "Application Questions." These questions will help you apply the lessons and insights from the Scriptures to your own life. Reflect on how the text speaks to your faith, relationships, and daily choices.

Journal Your Insights: Write down your observations, interpretations, and applications in a journal or notebook. This will serve as a valuable record of your spiritual growth and understanding of the Word of God.

Discussion and Sharing: If you are studying in a group, take time to discuss your findings with others. Share your insights, listen to their perspectives, and learn from one another.

Pray for Transformation: As you conclude your study, pray for the transformation of your heart and mind. Ask God to help you live out the truths you've discovered in the Scriptures.

Consistency is Key: Make a habit of using this inductive Bible study method regularly. The more you practice, the more confident and skilled you will become in studying and understanding the Bible.

Remember that the goal of this inductive study method is not just to gain knowledge but to deepen your relationship with God and apply His Word to your life. Approach your study with an open heart, a curious mind, and a desire to grow in your faith.

May your study be richly blessed, and may God's Word transform your life as you engage with it through the inductive method.

View the Sermon this Guide was Created For

Dive into the compelling urgency of the Gospel of Mark and its call to action for believers today. In this discussion, we uncover Jesus' method of empowering his disciples to carry his message to the world, an approach that challenges and inspires our current missions and ministries. We confront our own fears, inadequacies, and the pursuit of perfection that can stall our efforts to share the good news. The discussion emphasizes the necessity of trusting in God, leaning on the Holy Spirit, and the support of our faith community. Let's recommit to moving beyond the church's confines, connecting with those in search of hope, and sharing the ways we've seen God at work in our collective journey.

Key Points:

  • The Gospel of Mark emphasizes the urgency of Jesus' message and his direct approach to sending out disciples despite their imperfections.
  • Our fears, feelings of inadequacy, and pursuit of perfection can impede our willingness to share the good news.
  • Trust in God's presence, guidance from the Holy Spirit, and companionship of fellow believers are crucial in our mission to evangelize.
  • Stepping out beyond the church walls and engaging with the world around us is necessary to fulfill our mission and witness God's transformative power.
First Scripture: Psalm 122
Second Scripture: Mark 6:7-13,30

Observation Questions:

  • What does the Gospel of Mark reveal about the immediacy and directness of Jesus' mission?
  • How do the experiences of the early disciples in Mark's account mirror our own journey in faith?
  • What does the scripture tell us about the instructions Jesus gave to his disciples before sending them out?

Interpretation Questions:

  • In what ways do you think the church's current methods of outreach might need reevaluation, as suggested by the insights from Mark?
  • How can the church respond to contemporary challenges while remaining faithful to Jesus' radical approach to evangelism?
  • What can we learn from the disciples' initial misunderstandings and Jesus' corrections regarding our own faith journey?

Application Questions:

  • How can we, as modern-day disciples, overcome our personal battles with fear and the desire for perfection in sharing the gospel?
  • What steps can we take to more fully trust in divine guidance and the encouragement of the Holy Spirit in our evangelistic efforts?
  • How might we foster companionship and mutual support within our faith community to bolster our outreach endeavors?
  • In what practical ways can we step out of our comfort zones and engage with those around us who are longing to hear the message of hope and faith?
