What is a Labyrinth?
A labyrinth is an ancient practice used for prayer, meditation, and spiritual reflection. Unlike a maze, which is designed to confuse and mislead, a labyrinth has a single, purposeful path leading to the center and back out again. A labyrinth is not a maze—there are no tricks, no dead ends. Like life, it is a journey inward toward the center and out again.
Walking the labyrinth is an opportunity to slow down, quiet your mind, and draw closer to God. Each step can be an act of prayer—offering your thoughts, burdens, and hopes to God as you move. Some walk the labyrinth seeking clarity, others seeking peace, and still others seeking renewal. No matter where you find yourself today, you are invited to walk with openness, allowing God to speak into your journey.
- As you enter, bring yourself fully into this moment. Let go of distractions, silence the noise of the world, and step forward with intention.
- As you reach the center, rest in God’s presence. Pause. Breathe. Listen for God’s still, small voice.
- As you return, walk with renewed purpose. Carry with you what God has placed on your heart—whether it be peace, clarity, healing, or hope.
May this be a sacred space for you—a journey of release, renewal, and grace.
Ash Wednesday: A Call to Reflection and Renewal
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a season of repentance and preparation for the journey toward Jerusalem and the cross. The ashes remind us of our mortality—"You are dust, and to dust you shall return"—but they also serve as a call to renewal, an invitation to turn back to God with our whole hearts.
Lent is a time to name the burdens we carry—our worries, regrets, sins, and sorrows—and to lay them down before the One who offers grace. Walking the labyrinth mirrors this Lenten journey: a movement from carrying our burdens to releasing them and stepping forward in freedom.
- As you enter the labyrinth, bring your burdens with you. Name them in your heart. Hold them before God. Let this walk be an honest offering of your struggles, your doubts, your longings.
- As you reach the center, let go. Pause here. Rest in God’s presence. Let the weight you carried in be lifted by the One who bears all things. Offer your repentance. Receive God’s mercy. Feel the quiet invitation to renewal.
- As you return, walk with freedom. Leave behind what no longer serves you. Carry with you only what God has placed on your heart—grace, peace, a renewed sense of purpose. Step forward into this Lenten season lighter, trusting that God walks this journey with you.
- When you leave the labyrinth, set your eyes on Jerusalem and God's grace on display. The path ahead may not always be easy, but it leads to redemption. Christ walks before you, carrying the cross, offering mercy, calling you to new life. Walk in faith, trusting that grace will meet you at every step.
A Prayer of Confession for the Journey
God of mercy and grace,
I come before You knowing that I am in need of Your forgiveness.
I have turned from Your ways and sought my own path.
I have been quick to speak and slow to listen,
quick to judge and slow to love.
I have held onto things that do not bring life,
and I have ignored the invitations You have placed before me.
Tonight, as I walk this path,
help me to release what holds me back.
Search my heart and make it clean.
Renew my spirit and draw me closer to You.
With every step, let me trust in Your mercy.
With every breath, let me receive Your grace.
In the name of Christ, who walks this journey with me, Amen.