Call to Worship
One: From generation to generation,
All: our God is the Lord.
One: For our ancestors, yes, and also for us, here, today,
All: our God is the Lord.
One: In the stories of old, and the story we are still living,
All: our God is the Lord.
One: Listen — not just with your ears but with your whole self:
All: our God is the Lord, and we will love God with all our being.
Opening Hymn
Like the Murmur of the Dove's Song UMH 544
Prayer of Confession
God of all times and places,you have created a people and made us one with each other and with you. We confess that we rarely think of ourselves as one human family, even today let alone across the ages. We benefit from things our ancestors have done, without thinking of the cost borne by others in your family or the earth. We choose not to think of how our choices affect the future we will never see. Forgive us when we disconnect ourselves from responsibility to both past and future. Forgive us our self-centeredness and our unwillingness to recognize the gift of being one part of your story. Forgive us when we see your way of life as only a set of rules by which we can judge others but not ourselves. Help us to hear and obey, learning your care and compassion for all your people and your world. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Words of Assurance
Our God is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love — God is a thousand parts compassion for every four parts judgment. Trusting in God’s steadfast love to the thousandth generation, take up your place in this forgiven family, and live in that grace so that all may know the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Hear and believe this good news: in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God. Amen.
As God's forgiven and reconciled people, let us greet one another with signs of peace.
Passing of the Peace
First Reading:
Mark 12:28-31
Second Reading:
Deuteronomy 5:1- 21; Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Listen, O Israel! by Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Hymn of Response
Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart UMH 500
Tithes and Offerings
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH 95
Offertory Prayer
Merciful Creator, we come before you today as a community, recognizing the beauty of the tapestry of blessings you've woven throughout history. In a world that often urges us to accumulate for ourselves, prioritize self-interest, and disregard the consequences, you call us to a different path – a path of life lived fully, in harmony with your grace. We thank you for this call and the freedom it offers us. As we bring our offerings, may our hearts be filled with gratitude for all that you have done, and may our lives be a testament to our commitment to honor you both in our giving and in our living. Amen.
Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Closing Hymn
Forth in Thy Name, O Lord UMH 438
Said Each Week as A Communal Prayer:
Send to us all the people who feel unwanted and unloved in other places, and if they can't come to us, send us to them.
This Week's Reading Plan
Day: |
Reading: |
The Golden Calf: Exodus 32:1-14
Help Those in Need: Deuteronomy 15:7-11
Pursue Justice: Deuteronomy 16:18-20
What Makes a Good King: Deuteronomy 17:14-20
Care for the Vunerable: Deuteronomy 24:17-22
The First Fruits: Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Ruth Follows Naomi: Ruth 1:1-17
Reflections and Caring Conversations
Please use the prompts and prayers below to aid you in your devotions for this week.
Morning Prayer: Gracious God, as I awaken to a new day, I am reminded of the power of Your Word and the guiding principles set forth in the Ten Commandments. I am profoundly thankful for Your patience and mercy, Your enduring love, and the transformative power of Your Word. As I journey through today, let me keep in mind the essence of these commandments: to love You with all my heart, mind, and soul, and to love my neighbor as myself. As I immerse myself in the teachings from the sermon, I pray for the wisdom and understanding to apply these principles in my daily life. As I go forth, help me to be a reflection of Your love, living out my faith with intention, practice, and time. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Evening Prayer: Heavenly Father, as I reflect on the day, I am grateful for Your guiding presence. As I ponder upon the sermon's insights on the Ten Commandments, I realize the depth of their meaning and the impact they can have on my life. I pray for the grace to live out these commandments in my interactions, relationships, and decisions. Let the understanding I've gained not just be mere words but be transformed into action. Help me to pass on Your teachings to the next generation, setting a firm foundation of faith in their hearts. As I lay down to rest, I thank You for the peace and comfort of Your love. May I awake refreshed and ready to continue my journey of faith transformation. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
Reflection Question: The sermon explores the transformative power of Scripture. In your personal experience, how has engaging with Scripture changed your life? (Refer to: Romans 12:2)
Reflection Question 2: How can we practice intentional remembering of God's work in our lives, as mentioned in the sermon? What practices can we adopt to ensure we don't forget God's goodness and mercy? (Refer to: Psalm 77:11-12)
Reflection Question 3: What is one key takeaway from the sermon that you would like to apply in your life moving forward? (Refer to: James 1:22)