Order of Worship for Sunday, October 15th 2023



Call to Worship

Leader: "In times of loss and uncertainty, will you stand with those in need?"
People: "We will stand with unwavering commitment."

Leader: "Just as Ruth declared, 'Your people shall be my people,' will you choose love over convenience?"
People: "We will choose love and unwavering commitment."

Leader: In our worship, we remember that we are called to be unwavering in our commitment to those in need.
People: We respond to God saying, "Wherever you go, I will go, I will follow."

Opening Hymn

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing UMH 400

Prayer of Confession

Gracious God, we come before you humbled by the unwavering commitment of Ruth. As we reflect on her love and selflessness, we confess that we often fall short in showing such dedication to others. We admit that we sometimes choose convenience over love and are slow to stand with those in need. Forgive us, Lord, and inspire us to be more like Ruth in our daily lives. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Leader: In God's boundless grace, our sins are forgiven, our slate wiped clean.
People: We receive God's forgiveness with gratitude and joy.

Passing of the Peace

First Reading:

Matthew 18:10-14

Second Reading:

Ruth 1:1-17


Ruth and Naomi's Enduring Love by Pastor Kevin Rutledge

Hymn of Response

I Will Trust in the Lord UMH 464

Tithes and Offerings

Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH 95

Offertory Prayer

Gracious God, as we bring our offerings before you today, we are reminded of the unwavering commitment of Ruth. Just as she stood with Naomi, we too stand with gratitude for your presence in our lives. We thank you for the love and selflessness that you have shown us. Bless these gifts, Lord, and use them to extend your love and care to those in need. In Jesus' name, we give thanks. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer

Closing Hymn

Pass It On UMH 572



Said Each Week as A Communal Prayer:
Send to us all the people who feel unwanted and unloved in other places, and if they can't come to us, send us to them.


This Week's Reading Plan

Day: Reading:
Monday David Is Anointed: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Tuesday David and Jonathan: 1 Samuel 18:1-5
Wednesday David's Success, Saul's Jealousy: 1 Samuel 18:6-16
Thursday David Spares Saul: 1 Samuel 24:1-7
Friday David Speaks to Saul: 1 Samuel 24:8-15
Saturday Saul Replies: 1 Samuel 24:16-22
Sunday David Becomes King: 2 Samuel 5:1-5; 6:1-5; Psalm 150

Reflections and Caring Conversations

Please use the prompts and prayers below to aid you in your devotions for this week.

  • Morning Prayer: Gracious Lord, as I rise to greet this new day, I am reminded of Ruth's unwavering commitment and her boldness to make decisions that contradicted worldly logic. Fill my heart with the same courage and dedication, to care for those in need, irrespective of personal comfort or convenience. Teach me to act upon your divine call with love and commitment, Amen.

  • Evening Prayer: Merciful Father, as I retire from the day's work, I reflect on the lessons learned from Ruth's commitment and love. As I journey through the complexities of life, guide me to make decisions based on your divine metrics. Teach me to put the needs of others before my own comfort, echoing the essence of divine providence in my life. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.

  • Reflection Question: In this sermon, we're encouraged to make choices influenced by God's metrics, not our convenience or comfort. What steps can you take to start living in this way? (Refer to Philippians 2:3-4)

  • Reflection Question: How does the story of Ruth inspire you to live out a life of love and commitment, despite the complexities and challenges we face? 

  • Reflection Question: The sermon draws parallels with the parable of the lost sheep. How does this parable illustrate the level of commitment God expects from us towards those who are lost and hurting? (Refer to Matthew 18:10-14)

Featured Upcoming Events:

Lunch and Learn with Pastor Kevin

on 10/23/2024 from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM

Join us for a weekly Bible study and lunch with Pastor Kevin on Wednesdays at 12:30pm. Bring your lunch and come ready to dive deeper into the Sunday morning scripture. This is a great opportunity to discuss and learn more about the word of God in a small group setting with the guidance of our pastor. See you there!

Learn More

Charge Conference

on 10/26/2024 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM

Charge Conference is the governing body of the church that directs the work of the church and gives general oversight to the church council, reviews and evaluates the mission and ministry of the church, sets salaries for the pastor and staff, elects the members of the church council, and recommends candidates for ordained ministry.

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Family Trunk or Treat

on 10/26/2024 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

This Free family-friendly Trunk or Treat is an activity for all children to safely trick or treat and receive.

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Fall Back Time Change

on 11/3/2024 from 2:00 AM to 2:01 AM

Just a friendly reminder that Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend.

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Next Steps

on 11/3/2024 from 11:15 AM to 11:45 AM

"Join us at 'Next Steps,' our recurring gathering where we explore the future of our church's ministry and your role within it. Discover how you can make a meaningful impact by plugging into our diverse ministries."

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Interfaith Prayer Vigil for the Election

on 11/3/2024 from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM

We invite our neighbors to join us for an Interfaith Prayer Vigil on the eve of the General Election. This service of prayer, readings, silence and light will offer those who join us with peaceful, prayerful space in the midst of an anxious election season, with language focused on the common thread of our desire for peace and justice across traditions. All are welcome to attend. There will be no political campaigning allowed in the building.

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The Next Two Weeks at Berwyn UMC:

Date: Time: Summary
Oct 22 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Troop 181 Meeting Learn More
Oct 23 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch and Learn with Pastor Kevin Learn More
Oct 23 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Steps to Freedom - Women's AA Meeting Learn More
Oct 26 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Charge Conference Learn More
Oct 26 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Family Trunk or Treat Learn More
Oct 27 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Every Topic Considered Small Group Learn More
Oct 27 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM Weekly Worship Learn More
Oct 28 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Monthly Food Distribution at Trinity House Learn More
Oct 29 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Food Pantry Distribution Hours: Learn More
Oct 29 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Troop 181 Meeting Learn More
Oct 30 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Steps to Freedom - Women's AA Meeting Learn More
Nov 03 2:00 AM - 2:01 AM Fall Back Time Change Learn More
Nov 03 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Every Topic Considered Small Group Learn More
Nov 03 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM Weekly Worship Learn More
Nov 03 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM Next Steps Learn More
Nov 03 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Interfaith Prayer Vigil for the Election Learn More
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