Order of Worship for Sunday, October 13th 2024



Call to Worship

Leader: God’s way is not always easy to see,
Congregation: so we come from many places to expand our perspective and broaden our hope.

Leader: God’s guidance is not always easy to trust,
Congregation: so we join our different journeys together to see the bigger picture.

Leader: God’s call is not always easy to hear,
Congregation: so we come to listen again, seeking in worship to discover faithful life.

Opening Hymn

Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me UMH 361

Prayer of Confession

Gracious God, You are the God who meets us in both the heights and depths of our lives. Yet, we confess that we often lose sight of your presence. In moments of uncertainty and fear, we have sought after idols, Trusting in our strength and the world's distractions.

Forgive us for the times we have strayed from your path, turned away from your guidance and provision, and sought comfort in things that can never satisfy us. 

Help us to remember your covenant faithfulness, to recognize your voice in the thundering storms and the quiet whispers, to turn from our waywardness, and to embrace your love and grace.

In your mercy, draw us close, That we may walk in your light and reflect your glory, feeling reassured and secure in your guidance, Now and always. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Leader: Beloved, hear the good news! Though we may wander, our God is always faithful. So, take heart! You are loved, and you are forgiven.
People: Glory to God, Amen.

Passing of the Peace

First Reading:

Luke 12:22-34

Second Reading:

Exodus 32:1-14


Uncovering Modern Idols: Lessons From the Golden Calf by Pastor Kevin Rutledge

Hymn of Response

Take My Life and Let It Be UMH 399

Tithes and Offerings

Offertory Response

Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH 95

Offertory Prayer

We thank you for the blessings you give us each day. You are with us in the good times and the hard times. As we bring our gifts to you today, help us to trust in your guidance. May our offerings support your work in the world, reflecting your love and light to all people. Help us to remember that we are called to share what we have with others. In your name, we pray. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer

Closing Hymn

God of Grace, God of Glory UMH 577



Said Each Week as A Communal Prayer:
Send to us all the people who feel unwanted and unloved in other places, and if they can't come to us, send us to them.


This Week's Reading Plan

Day: Reading:
Monday The Golden Calf: Exodus 32:1-14
Tuesday Moses Makes New Tablets: Exodus 32:15-20; 34:1-10
Wednesday Israel’s Refusal to Enter the Land: Deuteronomy 1:19-33
Thursday Israel's Years in the Desert: Deuteronomy 1:34-40; 2:1-8
Friday The Great Commandment: Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Saturday God's Call to Joshua: Joshua 1:1-9
Sunday Joshua’s Wisdom to the People: Joshua 23:1-15

Reflections and Caring Conversations

Please use the prompts and prayers below to aid you in your devotions for this week.

  • In what ways might we be creating 'modern-day golden calves' in our lives, and how can we recognize these idols?

  • What are some signs that something or someone has become an idol in our life, consuming our time, energy, and focus?

  • What does it mean practically to place our worries and fears on God rather than on worldly sources of security?

Featured Upcoming Events:

Lunch and Learn with Pastor Kevin

on 10/16/2024 from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM

Join us for a weekly Bible study and lunch with Pastor Kevin on Wednesdays at 12:30pm. Bring your lunch and come ready to dive deeper into the Sunday morning scripture. This is a great opportunity to discuss and learn more about the word of God in a small group setting with the guidance of our pastor. See you there!

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Family Trunk or Treat

on 10/26/2024 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

This Free family-friendly Trunk or Treat is an activity for all children to safely trick or treat and receive.

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Fall Back Time Change

on 11/3/2024 from 2:00 AM to 2:01 AM

Just a friendly reminder that Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend.

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Next Steps

on 11/3/2024 from 11:15 AM to 11:45 AM

"Join us at 'Next Steps,' our recurring gathering where we explore the future of our church's ministry and your role within it. Discover how you can make a meaningful impact by plugging into our diverse ministries."

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The Next Two Weeks at Berwyn UMC:

Date: Time: Summary
Oct 16 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch and Learn with Pastor Kevin Learn More
Oct 16 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Steps to Freedom - Women's AA Meeting Learn More
Oct 20 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Every Topic Considered Small Group Learn More
Oct 20 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM Weekly Worship Learn More
Oct 22 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Food Pantry Distribution Hours: Learn More
Oct 22 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Troop 181 Meeting Learn More
Oct 23 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Steps to Freedom - Women's AA Meeting Learn More
Oct 26 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Family Trunk or Treat Learn More
Oct 27 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Every Topic Considered Small Group Learn More
Oct 27 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Charge Conference Learn More
Oct 27 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM Weekly Worship Learn More
Oct 28 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Monthly Food Distribution at Trinity House Learn More
Oct 29 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Food Pantry Distribution Hours: Learn More
Oct 29 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Troop 181 Meeting Learn More
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