An Original composition by Dave Kurtz
Call to Worship
Leader: We have been called by Jesus to be on a mission to amazing things in the world.
People: But we feel unready, unprepared, not up for the task.
Leader: We gather together for worship and seek strength and guidance from the one who sends us.
People: We find steadiness in Jesus, who understands our hesitations.
Leader: Let us worship the one whose life, death, and resurrection compels us to seek new life and transformation.
People: We gather in trust, seeking the assurance that Jesus equips us for the journey ahead.
Opening Hymn
We Are God’s People TFWS 2220
Prayer of Confession
Gracious God, we come before you acknowledging the weight of our inadequacies. We confess that, like the disciples, we often feel unready for the mission you call us to. We doubt our abilities and hesitate to step forward. We let fear, doubt, and uncertain prevent us from growing into the people you have created us to be. Forgive us for our lack of trust and empower us to embrace your guidance. In the midst of our uncertainties, help us find strength in your unwavering presence to enter the world to do amazing things in your name. Amen.
Words of Assurance
Leader: Beloved, hear the assurance of God's love: In Christ, your inadequacies are met with grace. God forgives, transforms, and empowers you for the mission ahead. Release your fears, for you are embraced by the One who calls you His own. You are forgiven, and in God's love, you find courage. All: Amen.
Passing of the Peace
First Reading:
Psalm 122
Second Reading:
Mark 6:7-13,30
We're on a Mission by Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Hymn of Response
Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee UMH 566 Vs. 1-5
Tithes and Offerings
Offertory Response
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH 95
Offertory Prayer
Gracious God, as we bring our offerings before you, we recognize that, like the disciples, we may feel unready to give generously. Yet, we trust in your transformative power. Take these gifts, humble as they are, and use them to further your mission in the world. May our offerings and our lives be a testament to our trust in your guidance. Amen.
Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Closing Hymn
Blest Be the Dear Uniting Love UMH 566 Vs. 1,2,4,5
Said Each Week as A Communal Prayer:
Send to us all the people who feel unwanted and unloved in other places, and if they can't come to us, send us to them.
Instrumental Arrangement of Revelation Song by Dave Kurtz
Reflections and Caring Conversations
Please use the prompts and prayers below to aid you in your devotions for this week.
Reflection Question: In the sermon, it was mentioned that Jesus sent out the disciples despite their lack of understanding and readiness. How can we apply this to our own feelings of inadequacy in evangelism? Discuss the idea that God uses our imperfections in Mark 4:30-32, which talks about the mustard seed growing into the largest of garden plants.
- Reflection Question: Think about the tension between the traditional approach to church growth and the call to actively go out and engage with the community. How can we balance the need for in-church fellowship with the call to evangelize as shown in Hebrews 10:24-25?
Reflection Question: Think about a time when you experienced the transformative power of sharing your faith. How does this align with the sermon's message and the transformation we see in the Apostle Peter's life from Luke 5:8 to Acts 2:14-41?