Order of Worship for Sunday, September 24th 2023



Call to Worship

Leader: As we gather here today, we ask God to give us a persistent faith.
People: We come with open hearts, seeking the strength and unwavering persistence.

Leader: In our prayers, may we learn to hold on to God's promises and refuse to let go.
People: We hold on, trusting that our prayers will be heard and answered.

Opening Hymn

Prayer Is the Soul's Sincere Desire UMH 492

Prayer of Confession

Gracious and Merciful God, We come before you today, acknowledging the times when our faith wavers, and our persistence in prayer falters. We confess that there have been moments when we have doubted your willingness to answer our prayers, moments when we have grown weary and let go too soon. Forgive us, O Lord, for our impatience, our tendency to seek quick solutions rather than waiting on your perfect timing. We repent for the times when we have not held onto your word with the unwavering faith you deserve. Grant us the strength to persevere in prayer, to cling to your promises, and to trust in your perfect wisdom. May our faith be renewed, and our hearts be transformed by your grace. In the name of Jesus, who taught us to pray with faith and persistence, we offer this prayer. Amen.

Words of Assurance

Leader: Hear the good news, dear friends, for God has heard our confessions.
People: We declare with joy that in God's grace, our sins are forgiven.

Passing of the Peace

First Reading:

Luke 18:1-8

Second Reading:

Genesis 32:9-13, 22-30


Wrestling With God by Pastor Kevin Rutledge

Hymn of Response

O Lord, Hear My Prayer TFWS 2200

Tithes and Offerings

Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH 95

Offertory Prayer

We thank you for the abundance of blessings you have showered upon us, and we acknowledge that everything we have belongs to you. As we offer these gifts, we rededicate ourselves to the persistent pursuit of your will in our lives. May our offerings be a symbol of our commitment to be faithful stewards of your grace. Bless these gifts, O Lord, and guide us in using them for the advancement of your kingdom, for justice, and for the alleviation of suffering. May our actions mirror the persistent love and compassion of Christ. In his name, we pray. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer

Closing Hymn

Sweet Hour of Prayer UMH 496



Said Each Week as A Communal Prayer:
Send to us all the people who feel unwanted and unloved in other places, and if they can't come to us, send us to them.


This Week's Reading Plan

Day: Reading:
Monday Jacob and Esau are Reconciled: Genesis 33:1-11
Tuesday Pharaoh's Dream: Genesis 41:1-24
Wednesday Joseph to the Rescue: Genesis 41:25-36
Thursday Joseph Is Exalted: Genesis 41:37-45
Friday Enslaved in Egypt: Exodus 1:8-14
Saturday Defiant and Dauntless Women: Exodus 1:15-2:10
Sunday Moses and the Burning Bush: Exodus 3:1-15

Reflections and Caring Conversations

Please use the prompts and prayers below to aid you in your devotions for this week.

  • Morning Prayer: Lord, as I wake up today, I draw strength from the audacity and tenacity of Jacob's prayer life. I recognize that I often approach You with timidity. Yet, I understand now that I need to be more audacious and tenacious in my prayers. Help me to express my needs and desires to You, knowing that You hear me and care about my requests. Like Jacob, may I have the boldness to wrestle in prayer and refuse to let go until I receive my blessing. Amen.

  • Evening Prayer: Dear Lord, as I prepare for rest, I am reminded of Jacob's unyielding prayer. Like Jacob, help me to have the audacity to wrestle with You in prayer, to not let go until I receive my blessing. May I carry the lessons from Jacob's life into my own prayer life, shifting from timidity to tenacity, and in doing so, find my life transformed. Amen.

  • Reflection Question: In the sermon, we explored Jacob's audacity and tenacity in prayer. How does this perspective challenge or inspire your current prayer life? Can you identify any specific changes you want to make?

  • Reflection Question: Reflecting on the sermon, what stood out to you about the concept of wrestling with God in prayer? How can you apply this concept in your own prayer life?

  • Reflection Question: The sermon highlighted the transformative power of persistent prayer, as seen in Jacob's life. How might you cultivate persistence in your own prayers, even when answers seem slow to come? How can you encourage others to do the same?

Featured Upcoming Events:

Lunch and Learn with Pastor Kevin

on 9/11/2024 from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM

Join us for a weekly Bible study and lunch with Pastor Kevin on Wednesdays at 12:30pm. Bring your lunch and come ready to dive deeper into the Sunday morning scripture. This is a great opportunity to discuss and learn more about the word of God in a small group setting with the guidance of our pastor. See you there!

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Church Work Day

on 9/21/2024 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM

You're invited to help clean the outside of the church. Join us for a day of fellowship, unity, and service as we unite to transform our church grounds into a vibrant and welcoming space for all. Our "Church Beautification Day" is a wonderful opportunity to roll up our sleeves, work side by side, and make a visible difference in our church community.

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World Communion Sunday

on 10/1/2024 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Join us on the first Sunday in October for a truly special occasion: World Communion Sunday! 🌏🀝 This day is all about celebrating the unity of Christians worldwide through the sacrament of Holy Communion. But it's not just about communion; it's also about making a meaningful impact on education and leadership development for ethnic minority students and scholars across the globe. πŸŽ“πŸŒŸWhen you contribute to the World Communion Sunday Offering, you're not only partaking in a beautiful tradition; you're also investing in the future. Your generosity supports the education and leadership journeys of talented individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds. πŸŒŸπŸ’’Let's come together in the spirit of unity and education this World Communion Sunday. Your participation makes a difference! πŸ™Œβœ¨

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Next Steps

on 10/6/2024 from 11:15 AM to 11:45 AM

"Join us at 'Next Steps,' our recurring gathering where we explore the future of our church's ministry and your role within it. Discover how you can make a meaningful impact by plugging into our diverse ministries."

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The Next Two Weeks at Berwyn UMC:

Date: Time: Summary
Sep 08 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Every Topic Considered Small Group Learn More
Sep 08 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM Weekly Worship Learn More
Sep 10 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Food Pantry Distribution Hours: Learn More
Sep 10 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Leadership Team Meeting Learn More
Sep 10 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Troop 181 Meeting Learn More
Sep 11 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch and Learn with Pastor Kevin Learn More
Sep 11 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Steps to Freedom - Women's AA Meeting Learn More
Sep 15 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Every Topic Considered Small Group Learn More
Sep 15 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM Weekly Worship Learn More
Sep 17 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Food Pantry Distribution Hours: Learn More
Sep 17 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Troop 181 Meeting Learn More
Sep 18 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Steps to Freedom - Women's AA Meeting Learn More
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