Worship with Rejoicing

7/17/2024 - 9/5/2024

In this series, we invite you to consider that, for David, worship was life. Worship wasn’t something David did, we might say; it wasn’t a specific time in the day or week. Rather, worship was who he was. David lived and breathed worship. Yes, sometimes he got it wrong; sometimes he followed impulses that led him astray. And sometimes he got confused about who was the object of this worship and got in the way of the God he loved. But through it all, David lived as though his life was an offering to God.

In This Series

  1. Call to Worship - 07/21/2024

    In this exploration of worship, we delve into the significance of the 'call to worship' and how it shapes our spiritual lives. Drawing from the story of David bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, we see how setting apart time and space for God is crucial. Just as God separated elements in creation and established the Sabbath, we too are called to create boundaries between the ordinary and the holy. This practice trains us to recognize God's presence not only in designated sacred spaces but also in our everyday lives. By intentionally marking the beginning of our worship, we prepare our hearts and minds to encounter the divine, both within and beyond the church walls. This message challenges us to be more deliberate in our approach to worship and to carry that mindset into our daily spiritual practices.

  2. Call to Confession - 07/28/2024

    In this powerful exploration of confession and repentance, we delve into the story of David, Bathsheba, and Uriah. This biblical narrative serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of acknowledging our wrongdoings, not just out of guilt, but as a means of spiritual growth and restoration. We're challenged to look beyond personal guilt as the sole motivator for confession, recognizing that there are systemic injustices and historical wrongs that we may not feel personally responsible for, yet still need to address. The message encourages us to view confession as a communal act, acknowledging that our actions affect the entire body of Christ. By regularly practicing confession in our worship and personal devotions, we open ourselves to God's transformative grace, moving from brokenness to restoration, and embodying Christ's love in our interactions with others.Key Points:Confession is more than alleviating personal guilt; it's about recognizing broader injustices and communal sinsThe Holy Spirit can open our eyes to see injustice and brokenness in the worldRepentance involves turning away from sin and actively working towards changeConfession should lead to restoration and a new way of livingThe importance of both individual and communal confession in Christian practiceGod's grace and forgiveness free us from guilt and shame, calling us to new life

  3. The Weight of the Word - 08/04/2024

    The weight of words and messages can profoundly impact our lives and spiritual journey. We're reminded of how a simple Broadway song from 'South Pacific' taught a powerful lesson about racism, demonstrating that prejudice is learned, not innate. This insight invites us to consider how the words of Scripture, when truly heard and internalized, can transform our hearts and minds. Just as the lyrics 'You've got to be carefully taught' opened eyes to the absurdity of racism, we're challenged to let God's Word penetrate our souls, moving beyond mere listening to deep understanding and life change. The message urges us to be receptive to the Holy Spirit's work, allowing familiar scriptures to suddenly resonate with new, life-altering meaning.

  4. The Essence of Prayer - 08/11/2024

    In our exploration of prayer today, we've delved into its true essence and power. We've seen how prayer isn't about formality or repetition, but about honest, heartfelt communication with God. The story of David's lament for Absalom and Jesus' words on the cross - 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' - reveal that even in our darkest moments, prayer can be a profound expression of faith. These biblical examples remind us that God welcomes all our emotions, including anger and despair. The key is to open ourselves up to God's presence, acknowledging His omniscience and omnipotence. As we pray, we're not informing God of anything new, but rather aligning ourselves with His will and reminding ourselves of His constant presence in our lives. This understanding can transform our approach to prayer, making it a more meaningful and impactful part of our faith journey.

  5. Offering as a Living Sacrifice - 08/25/2024

    In our journey of faith, we often overlook the profound significance of our weekly offering. It's not just about paying bills; it's a spiritual act that shapes our entire lives. The story of David refusing to offer something that cost him nothing reminds us that true giving involves sacrifice. Our offering is a reflection of God's boundless generosity towards us, from the beauty of creation to the ultimate gift of Jesus Christ. As we give, we're called to be 'living sacrifices,' allowing our generosity to extend beyond Sunday morning into every aspect of our lives. This act of giving helps reset our hearts and minds, reminding us to live generously in all areas, even when it's challenging. By embracing this spiritual practice, we align ourselves more closely with God's generous nature and find transformation in our daily lives.

  6. Gather at the Table - 09/01/2024

    This week, we delve into the profound significance of communion in our spiritual lives. We're reminded of John Wesley's fervent belief in frequent communion, viewing it as an act of obedience to Christ's command and a means of grace. The Last Supper serves as our central biblical reference, where Jesus instructed His disciples to 'do this in remembrance of me.' Through communion, we not only remember Christ's sacrifice but also experience His presence in a tangible way. It's a beautiful mystery that connects us to the past, grounds us in the present, and gives us a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come. As we partake in this sacred meal, we're challenged to reflect on who might be missing from our table and how we can extend Christ's invitation to all, regardless of their perceived worthiness. Let's embrace this opportunity to deepen our relationship with God and each other, allowing the transformative power of communion to shape our daily lives beyond the church walls.

  7. Sent Out to Live - 09/08/2024

    This week, we conclude our sermon series by looking at the various parts of our worship, why we do them, and how they can shape our daily lives for the rest of the week. We also look at the benediction and sending forth. We ask whether or not our worship experience has made any difference and whether we are going out into the world to share what we have heard, learned, and experienced. We also take a look at how we do that.
